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Welcome to Mindful Mindful Panda – Connection?

When you don't feel a connection, you may feel sad and lonely. This course is for children, it will help you feel connected.


The breath is the connection between the physical and the energetic. Bridge the two worlds with your breath.


Learn about your energy, how it flows around your body and how to connect to it.


Connection to earth and nature


Connection to the stars and planets

Your body?

Connect to your body

Heart and mind?

Connect to your heart and settle your mind

Super hero you?

You are a super hero with super hero powers, connect to your gifts

Helpful tools?

Use your tools to help your emotions

What’s next??

How to progress with your practice
Introduction to breath video

The breath is the bridge between two worlds. The earth and the stars and planets. To connect you can use your breath.

When you feel sad or angry, or any feeling that you don’t want to have anymore, then think about using your breath to let go of those feelings. 


Image your feelings like sticky goo, or smokey smoke, or hard lumps of grit. Imagine this inside of yourself. Feel the feelings, the rocks, the smoke, the sticky stuff. Now think of the energy around you, energy to replace the sticky stuff. What color does it hold, is it pink, gold, purple, orange, blue, green, or even a rainbow of color. Imagine the color coming into your heart, chest, face, the whole of your body. breathe it in! Placing an intention to let you shine in all these beautiful colors. 

On the out-breath feel, the sticky feelings leave you. Through the out-breath, leaving you and going off to the stars and moon, or down to the earth, letting it all go. Use the bumble bee breath. How does it feel?

It is ok to feel sad, lonely, angry. But it can get annoying to feel like that all the time. When you let the sticky energy stay with you it starts to block up your energy centers. and it makes you feel all blocked up. These feelings stay longer. So let it go and let your breath help you let it go. The bumblebee breath is fun and extremely helpful. 

Have fun and see how it helps you. Journal or talk about it to someone. Sharing is caring.