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Welcome to Mindful Mindful Panda – Connection?

When you don't feel a connection, you may feel sad and lonely. This course is for children, it will help you feel connected.


The breath is the connection between the physical and the energetic. Bridge the two worlds with your breath.


Learn about your energy, how it flows around your body and how to connect to it.


Connection to earth and nature


Connection to the stars and planets

Your body?

Connect to your body

Heart and mind?

Connect to your heart and settle your mind

Super hero you?

You are a super hero with super hero powers, connect to your gifts

Helpful tools?

Use your tools to help your emotions

What’s next??

How to progress with your practice
Box breath for focus

The box breath is really good for you to connect and to focus. Focusing on the now moment is very useful when you want to concentrate. Feel your energy and connect, breathe, and set your intention to focus. 

The now moment.

Everything happens in the now moment. Every moment happens now. There’s a now. There is another. The past is in the past and the present is now and the future is yet to come. So focusing will let you be in the now moment. 


Sit for a while and connect with your energy. How are you feeling right now? What thoughts are going through your head? Are there thoughts of your past. Things that may trouble you and make you feel upset?

Watch the video and see if you can join in with Mindful Mindful Panda.

Is your mind thinking about something you don’t want to do or something you would rather be doing right now? This is you focusing on the future. The now will come soon. So be patient. Connect to your box breath. Try it. Does it calm your mind? If no, it will take time and practice. That special ingredient patience is like gold dust. It helps you connect. 

Journal your findings and even start a gratitude journal. All these things help you on your journey. Becoming the superhero you.