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Welcome to Mindful Mindful Panda – Connection?

When you don't feel a connection, you may feel sad and lonely. This course is for children, it will help you feel connected.


The breath is the connection between the physical and the energetic. Bridge the two worlds with your breath.


Learn about your energy, how it flows around your body and how to connect to it.


Connection to earth and nature


Connection to the stars and planets

Your body?

Connect to your body

Heart and mind?

Connect to your heart and settle your mind

Super hero you?

You are a super hero with super hero powers, connect to your gifts

Helpful tools?

Use your tools to help your emotions

What’s next??

How to progress with your practice
Finger breath for calm and balance

When you want to feel calm and balanced try the finger breath exercise. It will keep your mind focused on the physical movement of you moving your attention to the fingers moving up and down the hand. Be in the now moment and feel the sticky feeling flow away. Use your breath to feel the calm energy flow through you.


Place one hand in front of you. The other will be getting ready to trace the outline of your fingers. As you take a breath in you move your attention to the top of the fingertips, breathing out, down goes the tracing to the bottom of the finger, Watch the movement. Feel the thoughts melt into the tracing. Let go of your thoughts.