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Manifesting Your World, Mindfulness and Setting Intentions with SA Smith of A Girl in the Universe

  • Course level: All Levels


This course is all about YOU creating the world YOU want to live in.

There are no limits, your birthright is Abundance.


So come along with me on this journey as I share with you how to manifest your dreams.

I will be discussing:

  • What is Manifesting?
  • How do these Ascension Energies affect your Manifestations?
  • What are Intentions? Why do we need to use them to Manifest?
  • What does it mean to a Creator Being? How do your thoughts affect and build your world?
  • How can your guides help you Manifest? A fun consciousness exercise to connect you to yourself and your guides
  • How to manifest your Soul Tribe? How to find your family of light.
  • You will be learning about all this and more.
  • The Energies that are here now make manifesting almost immediate.


Isn’t it time you stopped waiting for it to happen and allowed your dreams in?

Let me help you connect to those abilities within you!

Enroll Now and let’s get started!

-SA Smith

A Girl in the Universe

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About the Recording

Why and How A Recording?

Manifesting, Setting Intentions and YOU

About the instructor

SA Smith is a Spiritual Intuitive. She has always been sensitive beyond the normal. She has the ability to tap into the Collective and feel what is happening and help her clients tap in too. She sees images, shapes, places, and events before they happen. She uses her connection to Source and her Guides, her Clients Guides, and their Higher Self during her sessions. Her guides help her answer your questions with a deeper understanding than we have in our own realms. Sometimes you just need an answer, want to know when that change in coming, need it be a new job or a new love. By connecting into your energy SA can see that connection and share all it’s information with you. It is a magical thing and she loves sharing it with her clients. As an energy practitioner, she will connect to your energy during a session. This allows her to see what is going on in your field. She also feels your pain which allows her to connect in deeper to what she needs to clear and upgrade in your energetic system and bring in energetic upgrades from your higher self. SA is certified in several different Energy Modalities to allowing her several ways to work with her clients. She is a licensed Beyond Quantum Healing practitioner, Reiki Master, and a reverend. SA is also a Certified Ascension Life Coach, specializing in ascension, awakening, life purpose, and personal energies understanding and guidance.
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Amazing, I have learned so many things about setting intentions and manifesting. I can feel it. I feel empowered. Thank you SA