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Introduction to your Chakra clearing 2021?

Welcome to this series of videos that are channeled light language codes that will help you clear your energy.

Chakra clearing videos?

Tap into the light language codes and let go of everything that no longer serves you on your journeying into the light
Introduction to Chakra cleansing – January 2021

January 2021

Welcome to this series of videos that I have channeled from my multidimensional guides and aspects. Please be aware that each video content codings have always intentions set, that is set for the evolution and expansion of your soul, into the light. 

Please prepare your space, where you are feeling comfortable, able to lay down, sit, or stand during the sessions, depending on how your physical body reacts to the light codes. 

Connect with your physical body, allow your physical body to move. Allow the breath to be used to release negative/ dense energy on the outward breath. Eye flickering is normal. Body heat, tingling may be experienced. Please observe anything that presents itself. Place your own intentions for connection into my energy field. I have set the intention to disconnect with you after you have finished your session.