This course is for any family that have children expressing light language or for those that feel their children need to express their light and are yet to truly understand how.
Light language is something that has been known in ancient history, through Buddism, Vedic, Reiki teachings and many more. Here in the west we are only really beginning to understand and expressing light language. This expression is from the heart space when we are in a resonance that can essentially channel higher dimensional aspects of us and connect to source/God Universal energy.
Light language is expressed through creativity and will show up through singing, dancing, art ‘n’ crafts and endless ways.
We will be learning on the course exactly what is light language, the different ways it can be expressed and then implementing them into our lives to stay in alignment with this beautiful gift.
There is a parent section for those wanting to understand how they can best serve their child’s gift too.
It is now more than ever extremely important that we take the time to support children who are expressing their light. Often children are coming in directly from Source with a pure high resonance, much greater than adults before them. This is because the Earth herself is now a higher resonance. The new wave of children is assisting with this shift into a 5th-dimensional resonance.
Your high vibrational child has chosen you because they know you are also a child of the light. Together we support one another to grow and shine.
I look forward to seeing you on this magical and fun course.
Much Love Georgia Lea Polden
14 Courses
866 students